Unpaid receivables and impact of EPS on IPS: challenges in the Colombian health system
Deteriorated receivables, unpaid debts, EPS, IPS, financial sustainabilityAbstract
This study evaluated the financial and operational impact of unpaid receivables by Health Promotion Entities (EPS) towards private Health Provider Institutions (IPS) in Colombia between 2020 and 2022. A descriptive analysis of secondary data obtained from the Health Superintendence and other official sources was used. The findings revealed that unpaid debts from EPS to IPS have reached critical levels, representing 33.34% of accounts payable in 2022. Additionally, a high deterioration of receivables was identified, with 22% in 2022, and a significant proportion of receivables over assets, reaching 42% in the same year. These conditions have led to an increase in voluntary liquidations of IPS and forced administrative interventions. The discussion highlighted the urgent need to implement policies to ensure timely payment by EPS and improve the financial management of IPS. The urgency of structural reforms to ensure the financial and operational stability of the health system in Colombia has been emphasized, fulfilling the objectives of providing a detailed understanding of the sector's challenges.
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