Contribution of the trha's in the conceptual evolution of the homoparental family
Family, TRHA, homoparental family, civil registration acts, legal security, human rightsAbstract
Context: Health sciences and the development and implementation of Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques (ART) contribute to the application of legal norms by the rule of law (and in the establishment of family ties); the foregoing promotes affiliation in homoparental families. Objective: To analyze the intersection between medical advances in ART and legal regulations to understand their impact on the constitution of the homoparental family. Method: Through a qualitative methodological approach, academic literature, jurisprudence, and relevant legislation are reviewed, seeking to interpret the social and legal dynamics surrounding these families. Results: The results indicate that ART has been fundamental in the development of family ties in homoparental contexts, promoting greater inclusion within the legal and social framework. This has led to a conceptual evolution of the family, where marital union and filiation are not limited to heteronormative models. Conclusion: The continuous adaptation of laws to protect the diversity of emerging family structures is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of legal security and human rights in the full recognition of homoparental families, marking a significant advancement towards equality and social acceptance.
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