Logistics indicators as performance measures to evaluate performance in a work chain
Utilization, analysis, company, improvement, logisticsAbstract
Context: Logistics is fundamental to the operational efficiency of companies, directly affecting customer satisfaction and profitability. Without proper management, resources are often wasted, and operational failures occur. Objective: To evaluate the logistics performance of the company Aceros y Materiales RC S.A. de C.V. using logistics indicators, in order to identify areas of opportunity to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Methodology: A non-experimental field study was conducted, combining exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and correlational studies. The logistics system was observed in its natural environment, historical data were collected and analyzed, and problem areas were identified to propose improvements. Results: Failures were identified in warehouse and transportation management, affecting delivery times and safety. The implementation of performance indicators allowed the identification of opportunities to optimize logistics operations, reducing costs and improving efficiency. Conclusion: Proper logistics management is essential for the competitiveness of the company. By using performance indicators, it is possible to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction, contributing to business success.
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