Loyalty marketing and its contribution to the quality of gastronomic service
loyalty marketing, loyalty, satisfaction, gastronomy, consumerAbstract
Gastronomic establishments seek through loyalty marketing not only to contribute to improving the quality of service, achieving levels of satisfaction and loyalty in clients and consumers. The objective of this study is to analyze loyalty marketing strategies to verify their effectiveness in the services of the “H Sport Café” business in Bahía de Caráquez. The study is based on a quantitative methodology that uses the descriptive approach to analyze loyalty marketing in the context of the gastronomic industry. The method applied was the descriptive one that contributed to a coherent presentation of the results. The sample considered was 130 clients who attend the premises' services. Data collected through surveys provided a detailed, quantifiable understanding of customer behavior and preferences, including visit frequency, food and beverage preferences, satisfaction with service, and willingness to participate in loyalty programs. Statistical analysis of data offers valuable insights to optimize the effectiveness and return on investment in loyalty programs. It is concluded that the methodology used allows a rigorous and detailed understanding of customer behavior, facilitating the implementation of effective strategies to cultivate loyalty and improve the gastronomic experience.
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