The Phonological Changes in Informal Panamanian Spanish: A Distinctive Feature Analysis




Phonological Patterns, Distinctive Features, Phonological Processes, Spanish Phonology, Panamanian Spanish Phonology


Context: This article addresses the phonological changes in informal Panamanian Spanish, analyzing the distinctive features and underlying forms of phonological variations. The main objective is to examine the articulation patterns of native speakers and how these reflect linguistic evolution in Panama. The methodology includes a purposive sampling strategy, individual interviews, and the use of a standardized word list for data collection. Through distinctive feature analysis, prevalent phonological processes such as elision, assimilation, and prothesis were identified. The results highlight the elimination of sounds and their adaptation in informal speech, emphasizing the richness and diversity of Panamanian Spanish. The most relevant conclusion is that these phonological variations not only reflect the influence of other languages and cultures but also the cultural and social identity of the speakers. This study contributes to the preservation of linguistic diversity and provides a deeper understanding of phonological changes in Panamanian Spanish.


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Author Biographies

  • Isabel Andrea Tuñon Salazar, Diponegoro University, Master’s Program in Linguistics, Master Student, Indonesia.

    I am Isabel Tuñón, currently pursuing a Master's degree in Linguistics, focusing on areas such as phonology, morphosyntax, second language acquisition and critical discourse analysis. Previously, I earned a Bachelor's degree in Humanities with an emphasis in English. Professionally, I have worked as an English teacher, which has allowed me to apply linguistic theories in the classroom. My academic interests focus on a deep understanding of linguistic phenomena and their impact on language acquisition and use.

  • Agus Subiyanto, Diponegoro University, Head of Master Program in Linguistics, Associate Professor, Indonesia.

    Diponegoro University, Head of Master Program in Linguistics, Associate Professor, Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Tuñon Salazar, I. A., & Subiyanto, A. . (2024). The Phonological Changes in Informal Panamanian Spanish: A Distinctive Feature Analysis. Revista Multidisciplinaria Voces De América Y El Caribe, 1(1), 407-431.
