Quality of Care for the Elderly in the Grandparents' Home in Baracoa, Guantanamo, Cuba
older adults, quality, providers, health servicesAbstract
Introduction: Population aging constitutes a demographic and social problem worldwide, from which Cuba is not exempt. It has 18.1% of the population aged 60 and over, demanding quality health services, so evaluating the care provided is a necessity. Objective: to evaluate the quality of care for older adults in the grandparents' home in the municipality of Baracoa in the year 2022. Method: an investigation was carried out in Health Systems and Services, the universe was made up of 6 health professionals, another 8 workers who They were working during the investigation and 25 older adults were admitted to the grandparents' home. It was processed using percentage measurements. Results: for the evaluation of the elements that make up quality, 26 criteria were taken into account, according to the group of experts, 16 of these were evaluated as adequate, representing 61.5%, and 10 as inadequate, representing 38.5%. Conclusions: the quality of care for the elderly turned out to be inadequate, both in processes and results of provider satisfaction, according to results obtained when comparing the indicators of each criterion with the standards preset.
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